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King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi

CHE656: Process Analysis and Modeling
Academic Year 2024 - Semester II
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Hong-ming Ku
The course consists of 3 parts:
1. System modeling
2. Fundamentals of optimization
3. Design projects
Course Syllabus and Design Projects
The CHE656 course syllabus here
The optimization textbook by Edgar and Himmelblau
The six CHE656 design teams and their student members here
The problem statement of design projects, Part (a)
NSDC-1986 NSDC-1989 NSDC-1993 NSDC-1999 NSDC-2007 NSDC-2013
The problem statement of design projects, Part (b)
EVO-Metaheuristic GRO-Metaheuristic LOA-Metaheuristic
OOBO-Metaheuristic WaOA-Metaheuristic BIA-Metaheuristic
The booklet on technical writing
Homework Assignments and Due Dates
The homework problems here.
There is a total of 8 homework sets assigned, each of which is worth 100 points:
Part (1): Modeling of Process Dynamics
Homework Set #1 (due - Friday Feb 7): #1, #2, #5, #6, and #9
Homework Set #2 (due - ??): #15, #16, #17, #19, and #23
Homework Set #3 (due - ??): #26, #28, #30, #33, and #34
Part (2): Basic Principles of Optimization
Homework Set #4 (due - ??): #1, #4, #6, #8, #9, #11, and #13
Homework Set #5 (due - ??): #18, #19, #21, and #22 (a), (c), (g), (h), and (n)
Homework Set #6 (due - ??): #25, #26, #28, #31, #34, and #40
Homework Set #7 (due - ??): #43, #44, #45, #48, and #51
Homework Set #8 (due - ??): #53, #56, #59, #61, and #63
Timetable of Design Project Oral Presentations
Part (a): AIChE National Student Design Competition
Proposal Presentation - Thursday Feb 13, 1:30 pm, to be attended by
Progress Presentation - Thursday Mar 6, 1:30 pm, to be attended by
Final Presentation - Thursday Mar 27, 1:30 pm, to be attended by
Part (b): Metaheuristics Development for Optimization
First Presentation - Thursday Apr 24, 1:30 am, to be attended by
Final Presentation - Thursday May 15, 1:30 pm, to be attended by
References and Papers (Downloadable)
1. A Brief Review of Nature-inspired Algorithms for Optimization by Fisher Jr. et al.
2. Advanced Optimization by Nature-inspired Algorithms, Edited by Omid Bozorg-Haddad