Chemical Engineering Practice School
// EST. 1997
Home to Thailand's Only ChE Master's Program with Internship
Taiwan-KMUTT Internship Program
// EST. 2017
Elevating your Educational Experience through Overseas Practical Training
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
Questions & Answers
Q : When I graduate from ChEPS, will I receive a degree in Master of Engineering or Master of Science?
A : ChEPS stands for Chemical Engineering Practice School. So, definitely you will receive a Master of Engineering degree.
Q : Does ChEPS admit only chemical engineering students? If I study in Industrial Chemistry Department, can I apply to ChEPS?
A : Yes, and the reason is that we do not offer any remedial ChE courses in ChEPS. However, if your major is in industrial chemistry or chemical technology, you may still apply to ChEPS because we consider those majors to be related to chemical engineering. In other words, we will only accept applications from students with undergraduate degrees in chemical engineering, industrial chemistry (e.g. CMU), and chemical technology (e.g. CU's ChemTech program).
Q : If my GPA is less than 2.75, can I still apply to ChEPS?
A : Yes, you can if your GPA is not much lower than 2.75. Moreover, it also depends on other factors such as your grades in chemical engineering courses, such as unit operations, fluid mechanics, heat & mass transfer, and mathematics. Moreover, we also look at your English/SAT-Math test scores and interview performance before making the final decision to admit you into the program.
Q : Since ChEPS focuses on site practice, will I be able to pursue a PhD degree after I graduate from ChEPS?
A : Definitely. In addition to practicing at sites, ChEPS students are required to conduct individual research for one semester. At present, several ChEPS graduates are studying Ph.D, both in Thailand and abroad (USA, Canada and England).
Q : I heard that tuition fee and annual fee for this program are 250,000 baht a year. If I would like to study in the program but I can't afford to, what should I do ? Can I request for a scholarship ? What are the criteria to get support?
A : There are 3 types of financial supports : full scholarship, half scholarship, and soft loan. Students under half scholarships must pay 125,000 baht or 50% of the tuition fee each year. Similarly, students under soft loan must also pay 125,000 baht a year, while the remaining 125,000 baht will be treated as soft loan (i.e. no interest) which is to be paid back in installments upon graduation. Under this payback scheme, a ChEPS student will pay at least 10% of his/her salary each month to the program until the loan is fully repaid. In other words, a student under soft loan will owe ChEPS 250,000 baht upon his/her graduation.
Every ChEPS applicant is automatically considered for scholarships. Our scholarships are awarded based on applicants' academic merits, i.e. we take into consideration a combination of the applicants' GPAs, admission tests (TOEFL and SAT-Math), and performance in interview.
Q : Can I have a part-time job while I am studying at ChEPS?
A : I'm afraid this is a bad idea. ChEPS is an intensive two-year program. It's a daytime program, occasionally including weekends. Moreover, every semester the students are assigned to work in team. So, they are hardly available to work an extra job. If any student has a special monetary need for living expenses, the matter will be considered carefully on a case-by-case basis. The payback format for this monthly allowance is the same as that of soft loan.
Q : Would I have a chance to do my research abroad?
A : Yes, you may have a chance to do that. Currently, our program has collaborations with several overseas universities such as University of Waterloo in Canada, National University of Singapore in Singapore, and James Cook University in Australia. However, if you would like to conduct your research abroad, you have to meet certain requirements in English skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) as well as possessing strong technical skills in the relevant research areas.
Q : What are the qualifications of the ChEPS lecturers?
A : Currently, ChEPS has more than 10 faculty members, all of whom have Ph.D. degrees.
Q : Does ChEPS have any foreign lecturers?
A : Currently, ChEPS has two foreign academic staff teaching courses as well as supervising, research projects. In addition, overseas professors from collaborating universities visit the ChEPS program and lecture in at least one course every year.
Q : I see that there is a special track within ChEPS called AR-ChEPS. What exactly is AR-ChEPS?
A : This is a link to the AR-ChEPS (Academic-Research ChEPS) web page. Here is also an FAQ document about AR-ChEPS.
Q : I see that there is another special track within ChEPS called IR-ChEPS. What exactly is IR-ChEPS?
A : This is a link to the IR-ChEPS (Industrial-Research ChEPS) web page.