Chemical Engineering Practice School
// EST. 1997
Home to Thailand's Only ChE Master's Program with Internship
Taiwan-KMUTT Internship Program
// EST. 2017
Elevating your Educational Experience through Overseas Practical Training
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
ChEPS Admission
Each year, ChEPS admits 30 - 40 qualified students from virtually every university across the country. Typically, ChEPS applicants have a GPA of 2.7 or above. Students interested in applying to ChEPS are advised to follow the four simple steps below:
1. Fill out a one-page application form available from the ChEPS Office or download it here, and include a 1-inch or 2-inch photo. Application forms may be photocopied, and they are free. In addition, there is no application fee. Please note that letters of references are no longer required.
2. Submit a copy of the official transcript. The application forms and the transcripts should arrive in the ChEPS Office by the application deadline.
3. Take an English Test and a SAT Math Test at KMUTT to be administered by the ChEPS Office. The English Test is simulated paper-based TOEFL (aka PBT), which consists of three sections - Listening, Grammar, and Reading Comprehension. The test is slightly over two hours long. The SAT Math Test (in Thai) is slightly over one hour long (be sure to bring a scientific calculator on the test day).
4. Come for an on-campus interview (15-20 minutes). The interview will be conducted in both Thai and English.