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Important Dates for 2025 Admission


Application deadline: Friday July 18, 2025 || Admission test: No longer required


Interview dates (via Zoom): Rolling basis as applications come in || Admission Announcement: Rolling basis


         Confirmation of admission offers: Rolling basis



Download roadshow slides of ChEPS and BioPhEPS here: 



Instructions on how to get to KMUTT Using Expressway: 1. Take the Expressway towards Dao Kanong. 2. Take the first exit (Suksawas Road) after crossing the Rama 9 Bridge. 3. Make a U-turn at the first red light. 4. Drive for about 500 meters and turn left at the first red light into Pracha-utid Road. 5. Keep going straight for about 2 km. You will see KMUTT main gate on your right. 6. Once entering KMUTT, make a right turn at the first rotary and follow the main road. The Library Center is on your right.


Welcome to ChEPS admission page for the academic year 2025 (Class-29).  My name is Dr. Hong-ming Ku, the Director and a faculty member of ChEPS. I've designed this web page to provide you with all the information on our recruitment for the Academic Year 2022. Here, you will find the following information regarding your application and admission status:


  • Status of your application 

  • English Test scores (paper-based TOEFL, score range = 300 - 678) and SAT Math Test scores (score range = 200 - 800) 

  • Interview timetable - rolling basis

  • Admission status (Full-scholarship, Half-scholarship, Soft-loan, or on Waiting List)


In the event that you need to contact us to inquire about your admission status, please email Khun Chadaporn (P'Kob) at or call her mobile at 089-892-2142. Our office numbers are 02-470-9616 and 02-470-9611, Fax: 02-872-9118.


Important notes regarding this year's admission:


  1. We offer a minimum of 16 full and half scholarships (combined) this year. However, all students on the Waiting List, if admitted, will be on soft-loan. 

  2. Please note that the number next to the Waiting List indicates your ranking on that List. Students on the Waiting List will be moved into Soft-Loan by ranking, starting with number 1. 

  3. You will be officially notified of your admission via email by the ChEPS Office. Please indicate your intention to enroll in ChEPS by email or phone. You will be asked to sign an Enrollment Agreement later.

  4. When coming to the ChEPS Office to sign the Enrollment Agreement, please bring the following documents with you:

      (i)   Your personal Identification Card (ID card) and a copy of your parents' with their signatures on them.

     (ii)   A copy of your home registration card showing your name and your parents'. 

     (iii) An advance but refundable deposit of 10,000 baht. This money will be returned to you after the school starts in June. 


Please download the following FAQ document of AR-ChEPS: AR-ChEPS FAQ​


Click here to view your application status in a Google Drive spreadsheet.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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